Pattern Adjustments-
Step 1
Working on your front pattern piece, shorten the length of the top by 8cm. (this amount can be adjusted depending on personal fit and length preference.)
Step 2
Mark a hem notch on the side seam at 5cm from the bottom of pattern piece. (again, this figure can be adjusted depending on width of chosen elastic. Notch placement = elastic width + 1cm for sleev)
Step 3
Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the back pattern piece.
Step 4
Add 2.5cm to the sleeve length. Keep the notch in the same position to create a 5cm sleeve hem allowance.
Sewing instructions
Step 1
Follow steps 1-9 in your Solar tee instruction booklet for the shoulder seam, neckline, sleeve and side seam construction.
Step 2
Neaten hem edge.
Step 3
Press hem edge up 5cm, toward inside of top and pin. Stitch, leaving a 5cm opening for the elastic to be able to thread through.
Step 4
Cut a length of 5cm elastic. Attach a small safety pin to one edge of your elastic and pin the other end to the seam allowance, right next to the hem opening. Thread safety pinned edge through the gap, threading through until it returns out the same hole.
Remove pinned edge of elastic from seam allowance and remove safety pin from the other end. Overlap the two open ends of elastic and safety pin them together. Try the top on to check the fit of elastic. Adjust accordingly then stitch elastic together securely. Stretch out hem casings until the stitched part of elastic is sitting within the casing, then stitch closed.
Step 5
Repeat hem and elastic steps 3 & 4 on sleeves.
You did it!