In this tutorial we have made the Fall Turtleneck, however the process is exactly the same for the Rise, the pieces just look slightly different.
Pin front and back pieces together at shoulder seams with right sides facing. Stitch. Neaten seams then press seam allowances toward the back.
Lay armhole over sleeve with right sides together and pin in place starting from bottom of armhole upwards on both front and back. Evenly distribute any ease in the sleevehead while pinning. Stitch in place with sleeve laying under armhole as the differential feed on your machine will help work in any ease. Neaten edge. Repeat for opposite sleeve.
Fold neck piece in half widthwise, pin together and stitch with a stretch stitch or zig zag. 2. Press seam allowance open. 3. Fold neck piece in half the other way, wrong sides together, matching seam lines. Pin seam edges together. 4. Pull through to the right side. You should have a loop with all the wrong sides enclosed.
Find the quarter points of both your neck piece and neckline. Mark both the centre front and centre back points with a pin. Fold in half the other way, lining up your centre front and centre back pins. Place a pin at each end. Now you have your neckline and neck piece quarter points.
Thread neck piece inside neckline with right sides facing and raw edges together. Line up the centre back seam of neck piece to the centre back point of neckline and line up the remaining three quarter points of neckline and neck piece. You should have three layers of fabric, the neckline of the top and the two open edges of turtleneck. Pin in place, stretching turtleneck to fit neckline. Stitch together with a stretch stitch or zig zag then neaten seam edge.
Place a pin where front and back underarm seams meet up and pin down to hemline and out to sleeve hem. Stitch together then neaten seam. Repeat for other side.
Neaten sleeve and hem edges, turn up at notches, pin in place then stitch with a stretch stitch or zig zag.