Step 1
With right sides facing, stretch your fused collar stand out so that the inside curve meets the neck edge of bomber neck piece. Pin in place, lining up notches. Stitch together. Trim seam allowance in half and clip around curve. Press seam allowance toward collar stand.
Step 2
With right sides facing, stretch your other fused collar stand out so that the inside curve meets the top edge of bomber neck piece. Pin in place and stitch together. Press seam allowance toward collar stand.
Step 3
Fold your bomber neck piece in half with right sides facing. Pin both the short ends and around open edge of collar stand. Stitch together, leaving a gap about 10cm/4” at the centre back of collar stand. Trim seam allowance in half and clip around curves.
Step 4
Pull through to the right side through the gap in collar stand. With the seam allowance pressed inwards, edgestitch the gap closed.
Step 5
Transfer button placement markings from your pattern piece onto the right side of collar stand. Stitch buttons in place. As this collar is not reversible, you only need buttons on one side of the collar stand.