Step 1
Neaten side and hem edges of fronts and back.
Step 3
Place shoulder seams of facing pieces together with right sides facing. Stitch. Press seams open. Neaten outside edge.
Step 4
Pin facing around neck opening and bottom edge of blouse with right sides together. Stitch. Trim seam allowance in half and clip corners and around curves. Under stitch seam allowance toward facing where you can. Turn facing through to the inside of blouse. Press well.
Step 7
Fold hem edges up 1cm from notches. Press in place neatly around the curve. Stitch in place.
Step 11
Take two sleeve cuff pieces and press back the top seam allowance of one of them. Place the pieces together with right sides facing and stitch around edges leaving the top edge open. Trim seam allowance in half and clip around curves. Turn through to the right side and press edges. Repeat for other cuff.
Step 12
With sleeve inside out, pin the unfolded edge of cuff to the seam opening of sleeve with right side of cuff facing the wrong side of sleeve. Pull your gathering threads until the sleeve opening fits the cuff. Make sure your gathers are evenly spread, then stitch in place. Press seam allowance toward cuff.
Step 13
Turn sleeve through to the right side and pin pressed edge of cuff up slightly overlapping stitch line. Top stitch in place. Press.
Step 15
Transfer markings from pattern piece for placement of buttons and buttonholes for front of blouse and sleeve cuffs with tailors chalk or pins. Sew buttonholes down the right side of the blouse front. The buttonholes should be vertical. Make sure they are centred between your top stitch line and the edge.
Sew buttonholes onto sleeve cuffs. The buttonholes should be horizontal.
Before sewing on your buttons, place the side with the buttonholes over top of the other side and use pins to mark where your buttons should be placed. Sew on your buttons.